
Showing posts from August, 2017

Let's start again...again...

Ok I know it's been like 5 months but what can I say, I'm a busy gal. But for a very special treat I've decided to add something new to our NatsChats world... AN INSTAGRAM PAGE!!! I feel like a terrible parent who is buying their child gifts to make up for the fact they're never around but I have my reasons. Not only is this a great way for you guys to keep up to date on what's going on in my world. It also gives me motivation to update the old blog aswell. So if you fancy checking it out you hav have a cheeky look at my first EVER post now on @NatsChatsTV on Instagram. Since I recently had a bit of a shopping trip (ok splurge), I'm thinking of doing a little haul to show what I have spent all my money on 😳. Oh well, those of you who like fashion and well... being nosey, stay tuned! See you soon (I promise) Natalie xx