
Showing posts from August, 2016

High School - College (An Update)

I was just reading through my blog and i noticed that just under a year ago i was talking about the move from high school - college and I realized that I forgot to update you. How sweet I was back then, so unsure, so, so foolish. I have now finished high school and received all my results which although I passed all my subjects, I know could have been a lot better if I had actually bothered to do some more revision. In the end I got; 4 C's, 5 B's and 1 A. 2 grades I received I was shocked at them being the C in maths I got, which I was startled by because I had only ever got B's and A's in the subject last year and an A in History because this time last year I was working at an F. If those 2 grades had swapped round I would've been much happier. I just about got into the college I wanted to go to and in September I will be studying; English Lit, Psychology and Philosophy and Ethics which is great as it is what I wanted to take. The only problem is, is that I am bei