
Showing posts from January, 2017

Pet peeves: talking in the cinema

OML I nearly forgot. I really need to set myself weekly reminders! But anyway happy NatsChats Tiesday, I hope your week is going well so far. Mine isn't if I'm honest, I was having a bit of a happy streak and then it all came crashing doe on Monday. Literally everything that could've gone wrong, did! But anyway today was a little better so you know, always look on the bright side. Anyway today my little muchkins I would like to share with you one of my all time pet peeves: people talking I. Cinemas.  So you can imagine what happened, I was in the cinema with the fam about to watch LA LA Land (I was so excited since everyone had said how good it was). But there were 4 girls behind us that were about 12 or 13 and they WOULD NOT. STOP. TALKING! Look honestly I'm fine if you're with your friends and you wanna make the occasional comment or laugh when something's funny or whatever cause it's a film it's made fora response but if you are rude enough to

Welcome 2017: New Years Resultions and Newness!!!

Welcome Back Everyone! I hope you all had wonderful Christmases and New Years! I know I've taken a bit of the break since Blogmas but I just haven't really had the time with all the other work and such I've been doing. To start of this post I'll just keep you up to date with what I've been doing since we last spoke:  My Christmas was pretty good but I feel like it all went way too quickly. Plus working over Christmas kinda bought down my festivities a bit but oh well. I got loads of lovely presents which may not have been particular luxurious of expensive but were just perfect fir me really as I didn't really ask for anything so just received a few bits an bobs including some adorably little desk lights. I may do another (very belated, I know) blog post on some favourite Xmas prezzies i received if you would like that. My contract ended with my job and (because they're pretty stupid and overstaffed at Christmas) they didn't keep anyone on But oh wel