
Showing posts from October, 2017

Songs Im Loving #3

Autumn is here once more, and you know what that means... I'm joking, its means nothing. But today I'm going to give you an update of Songs I'm lovin! Because I don't know about you but i'm getting a bit bored of the same old songs being played over, and over, and over, and over again. I needs me some bangers. SO without further or do... here come the girls: 1) "Don't pick up the phone you know he's only calling cause he's drunk and alone..." JK, but this is the first song in my list - NEW RULES - DUA LIPA I'm aware this song isn't exactly revolutionary but its such a sassy song that you on the girls can dance to and makes me hate a boy I've never dated. 2) PRETTY GIRL - MAGGIE LINDERMANN(CHEAT CODES X CADE REMIX) This again is a chart hit but its another sassy one and I had to include it because it holds such an important message. Women are allowed to be pretty as well as other things, it doesn't stop with appearance