
Showing posts from 2017

12 Days of Natsmas: Get ready with me - Christmas Party (10)

I did my face Wednesday night for my friend Christmas Party and thought youd like to know which products I used to achieve this look: In order of application I used: New Look - finishing spray - (I know you're meant to use it at the end but I do it at the beginning aswell as I read an article from a pole dancer saying that's what she does to make her makeup last aalllll night) Seventeen Stay Time Long Wear Primer - It stinks but as long as you apply it quickly before it dries it should last Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation - Its just a nice medium coverage foundation which amount wise has lasted a long time Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer - It does the job, great for red pigment but not so great for shielding spots and dark circles - concealer is a tricky one for me Maybelline Fit Me Concealer - This is great for dark circles and does help with spots aswell. Baby Powder - yes I used this as a baking powder - mostly to hide my dark circles even more - It's

12 Days of Natsmas: Christmas Day in the life

I's pretty self explanatory I know, I missed a day, Im sorry. However, I have realised that this now means we are on track now as I accidently started the "12 days" a day early, so now it means we'll finish on christmas eve as planned. My math skills are clearly lacking. 7:30 - (not so) rudely awoken by my mother after my alarm failed. 7:45 - Actually got out of bed and went down stairs to a breakfast of Pain au Chocolat. Very nice, only ate one of them so hid the other in the bin because I was too full and in a rush.                        *Cue a day if College "fun" with hardly any christmas events whatsoever.* 2:00 - Driving lesson, I'm pretty sure that my instructor was half an hour early but I may be wrong. 3:30 - Arrived home and had a drink - im not entirely sure why this took so long but... 4:00 - danced around my room whilst deciding what to wear to tonight's christmas party - whoop, whoop. Finally settled on a basic gr

12 Days of Natsmas: Christmas Cocktails and Mocktails (8)

FUN FACT: I Love mixing drinks and so can regularly be found being to mixologist at the party making a deadly concoction that will make you very drunk, very quickly (mostly because you drink it like water cause it tastes so good and then suffer the consequences later once you realise the strength of it!) So anyway, this blog post is going to be LIT! *cringe* Each of these are equally delicious with or without alcohol, all the recipes listed are with alcohol but if you take away that it can still be enjoyed soberly. I cannot take credit for all of these at all as most are recipes taken from else where and then edited for clarification and general accessibility. If you make any of them ... sorry. Side note - add ice to all of these as it just makes it better - even if it is a little cold for winter First up is one I have forgotten the name of and so shall be called "Rouge Reindeer" for some Christmas cheer. a sliced orange  30 ml - cream of coconut 450 ml - cra

12 Days of Natsmas: Fave Christmas Food (7)

You know what? This may be my favourite topic to talk about. Who am I kidding THIS IS THE BEST TOPIC TO BLOG ABOUT! Yes that's right FOOOOOOODDDDD!!! Today I will giving you a list of my top picks for Christmas nibbles and meals. Some will be branded whereas others are more general foods (this could even be a hint to everyone out there looking at what to get me for Christmas!) To start off with it what Christmas is made of for me. Since discovering these a few years ago, I have fallen in love. They are paired perfect with a cup of tea, adding to your daily calorie intake in no time. These are the "Favourina Spiced Biscuits" you can find at Lidl for a measly £1.39. they taste absolutely glorious and I've already been through a whole pack this Christmas! They are a perfect size and have festive cut outs on them - beautiful! Click here to see Next up is a more general one which I often eat all year round (on a sunday - hint hint), but are extra special in winte

12 Days of Natsmas: Top 10 Christmas Movies (6)

After yesterdays Shambles of a blog post I am very happy to have a more relaxing article to write you. Today i will be sharing my pick of the top 10 Christmas films. I must add that i have only included the well known ones as I have seem hundreds of little known ones (thanks to Channel 5) and to be honest, they all share the same story line: Girl loses Christmas spirit, finds it in a man. Don't get me wrong, I love them and do entirely enjoy them but...I mean... they could mix it up a bit. I have actually just returned from a Carol Service which was lovely and has made me feel all warm inside so I am officially ready for Christmas (although I will be praying that my mums Christmas present arrives on time!) Anyway, let us begin, I have decided to order the following most popular Christmas films from that I like most to least: Elf, Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life, Love Actually, The Polar Express, White Christmas, The Muppets Christmas Carol, The Grinch, Jingle All The Way

12 Days of Natsmas: Christmas outfits for all occasions (5)

Hello my dears, Today we shall be delving into the fortress that is my Wardrobe where I shall select for you a range of outfits for the christmas period, suitable for a range of occasions; formal, party, work and casual. Be warned: I am not a model, I do not have a decent camera phone so used my semi decent camera that is having an off day annoyingly, so...yeah... Up First is our "out out" attire which is this little sequin dress that I wore to a New Years Eve party last year, I think it embodies this time of year and all the celebration it brings, because, lets be can never have too much glitter and sparkle! This gorgeous dress is originally from New Look and I bought it to begin with to wear to my prom after party, so it does hold a lot of good memories. Next we have this lil outfit which is probably one of my favourite looks in this collections of pics. After seeing a picture on pinterest ages ago i've been looking for an enti

12 Days of Natsmas: Christmas Present Ideas (4)

I am writing this whilst watching "The Holiday" and Jude Law just said 'You're lovely' to Cameron Diaz, so very happy right now! But anyway on with todays post, and what a complex one I have for you today. It's something we get worry about every year, so I thought that if I told you mine for the year, they may inspire you. But first I must say, you probably tell yourself every year, but try to get them done as early as you can, cause IT JUST MAKES IT EASIER!!! But anyway, I wont judge. We're all friends here. So let us start with the REAL head of my house hold, me mamma. This year she actually chose her own Christmas present (though, i dont think she remembers!) a few months ago, which was a bamboo wind chime. This particular one was from The Range (an AMAZING homewear shop we have in the UK). Unfortunately, that particular one is now out of stock. However I found an equally pretty one on the fantastic world of ebay which better come in

12 Days of Natsmas: How to Survive Awkward Christmas Moments (3)

This may be the most important post you read this Christmas so, don't stop... you have been warned. Hello Darlings, Today I will be guiding you on how to get out of life's most awkward Christmas moments, because lets facts it, it's a sticky time of year, awkwardness lurks at every Christmas tree filled corner. So I shall waste no time at all because some of these may have occurred already: 1) PRESENTS This has it's own section because SOOOOO much can go wrong with presents, it's bad enough picking them out for everyone else, but you forget the horror of having to open them in front of everyone else. The First one is opening a present, you absolutely hate, like literally does this person even know you? What is it? What is that? What does it do? I can't even! But little do you know, whilst these questions are rushing through your head, your face is reacting to them, meaning that everyone can see EXACTLY WHAT YOU THINK OF THAT VERY PRECIOUS ARTICLE YOU HA

12 Days of Natsmas: Fave Baubles and my Tree (2)

Good Morning/Noon/Night my loves and welcome to Natsmas Day 2! Today's blog post also has a very short youtube video to go with it which you can go to here:  Natsmas Day 2 Below are my picks for my favourite baubles on my tree this year which will be most unhelpful to you seeing as I have no clue where they are from, but anyway - here we go I mean show me a bauble that better embodies Christmas.  I love the colours, i love the patterns and how else would you top off Christmas than with a little bit a shine (the gem in the middle) - PERFECTION! I mean... LOOK AT IT...I feel like a posh ass b*tch. This is quite possibly the fanciest bauble on my tree. I mean look at that shiny bod, those swirls of gold and the little baby silver gem leaves. Gorgeous. I swear she does have a face, the flash was justa tad bright. This little gem I actually bought my self many moons ago when I was a wee girlie. It was never intended to be Christmas decoration but has gained th

12 Days of Natsmas: Plan (1)

Hello my lovelies, and Welcome to the first day of Natsmas!!! That's right, I didn't think I could hack the full 24 days of blogmas however, 12 days seems much more manageable and I even get to throw in a play on words. So day one of Natsmas as you can see by the above title is a plan, I thought this would be a good idea so that everyone reading would be able to get excited with me about all the lovely stuff we have coming up! If you have any further suggestion, I am open to all ideas as I do have a bit of room to move stuff around, but, for now, here is the line up for the next 11 days UNTIL XMAS!!! 2) Fave Baubles and Decorations 3) Surviving Awkward Christmas moments 4) Xmas Presents 5) Christmas Outfits (Formal and Party) 6) Top Christmas Movies 7) Fave Christmas Food 8) Christmas Cocktails/Mocktails 9) Day in the life 10) Get ready with me: Winter Edition 11) Christmas Baking Recipe 12) Top Christmas songs 2017 (Case study ratings by a series of people fro

Top Girl Power Songs

I will literally procrastinate with anything so I don't have to revise however this is a great blog post that i am very passionate about so stay tuned, oh and happy NatsChats Tuesday! I have done a fir bit of research in this and below are many different sources' view on which is the best girl power song and my own personal rating of it for a little added personal touch just for you, tell me if you agree. Up first we have KM TV who believe the number one to be Shania Twain's "Man I feel like a woman" which obviously is an amazing song which gets everyone singing young and old and so I whole heartedly support this decision as it also promoted keen girl sassiness, 8.5/10 Up next we have the ever popular Watchmojo which places "Fighter" from Christina Aguilera in their top spot. This is such a powerful song  but I don't think it entirely supports just girl power, more on power in general even though it is sung by the beautiful Miss Aguilera, 6/10

Get Over It: Short Story/Advice article

I know, im updating the old blog AGAIN! What has gotten into me? Anyway I wrote a short story/advice article thingy which I though you may wish to read, I dedicate it to anyone going through heartbreak. I hope you enjoy it as I certainly do, it apparently should take you 3 WHOLE MINS to read so don't worry about taking up too much time out of your very busy lives. Enjoy and see you soon, Xx Confusion. That’s the primary source of emotion. Why? Just, why? You thought things were going so well, clearly you were wrong. It doesn’t matter how they did it. It just hurts that they did. No matter what the inspirational quotes and magazines tell you, at this moment, you do need them. Whether it’s been one date or 143, if you’re divorced, newly single or have always technically been single but wishing for more. It hurts. Of course like any big grievance you go through the famous 5 stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Everyone becomes a love guru telling you

Hello You: My Readers

Let's not dwell on the fact that it's been over a month because IT'S CHRISTMAS! Well... nearly Anyway I just wanted to say: Hi Salut Здравствуй Hallo Oi Haigh Привіт Hai cześć I have just become aware that to many countries the website may have just translated that as hello...many, many times. But anyway if not I thought you may appreciate to know that I am tremendously grateful for the fact that I technically can claim to have viewers all over the world. In order of amount of views my analytics tell my that this blog has reached: the UK (obvs), the US, France, Russia, Germany, Portugal, Ireland, Ukraine, Indonesia and Poland! how exciting is that? What makes it even excitinger... not a word but oh well, is the fact that 62.3% of you are from a different country to my own. I find that so fascinating and so thought I would share it with you.  How crazy is it that we can reach someone thousands of miles away with the click of a button? MAD! I feel lik

Songs Im Loving #3

Autumn is here once more, and you know what that means... I'm joking, its means nothing. But today I'm going to give you an update of Songs I'm lovin! Because I don't know about you but i'm getting a bit bored of the same old songs being played over, and over, and over, and over again. I needs me some bangers. SO without further or do... here come the girls: 1) "Don't pick up the phone you know he's only calling cause he's drunk and alone..." JK, but this is the first song in my list - NEW RULES - DUA LIPA I'm aware this song isn't exactly revolutionary but its such a sassy song that you on the girls can dance to and makes me hate a boy I've never dated. 2) PRETTY GIRL - MAGGIE LINDERMANN(CHEAT CODES X CADE REMIX) This again is a chart hit but its another sassy one and I had to include it because it holds such an important message. Women are allowed to be pretty as well as other things, it doesn't stop with appearance

How to: Wash your makeup brushes...FOR FREE

I thought my last post wasn't THAT long ago, I was wrong. Anyway today I bring to you another "How to:" blog post where I explain to you how I wash my makeup brushes, wait for it... FOR FREE! IKR I' m not saying this is 100% the best, most highy sanitary way of doing it but, if its good enough for your hair, it must be good enough for your brushes...right? I bet some of you are very confused but keep reading and in these very concise steps i will explain to you how to do that thing that you're meant to do but never end up doing. LETS GO! STEP 1: RINCEY RINCEY Okay so there is one slight catch, if you pay your water bill then you'll have to pay for that stuff that comes out your tap. Either way, take that water and give your dirty ass brushes a good old rincey rincey! STEP 2: DUNKEY DUNKEY So, you know those free shampoo bottles you get in hotels that you never use but "steal" anyway and keep for a rainy day? Well, check th

Let's start again...again...

Ok I know it's been like 5 months but what can I say, I'm a busy gal. But for a very special treat I've decided to add something new to our NatsChats world... AN INSTAGRAM PAGE!!! I feel like a terrible parent who is buying their child gifts to make up for the fact they're never around but I have my reasons. Not only is this a great way for you guys to keep up to date on what's going on in my world. It also gives me motivation to update the old blog aswell. So if you fancy checking it out you hav have a cheeky look at my first EVER post now on @NatsChatsTV on Instagram. Since I recently had a bit of a shopping trip (ok splurge), I'm thinking of doing a little haul to show what I have spent all my money on 😳. Oh well, those of you who like fashion and well... being nosey, stay tuned! See you soon (I promise) Natalie xx

Being Single.

Holla! Happy NatsChatsTuesday Peeps! Hope the last two weeks have treated you well. Im in an oddly good mood right now and so I though I would touch on fairly sensitive subject. This topic either boosts my confidence and makes me feel like a cool, crazy, independent woman who "dont belong to no city, dont belong to no man" and other times im crying because i'll be forever alone and no one wants me. There is literally no in between. But why Im still in the first category I though Id reach out to my fellow Pringles and show you it aint all bad. Yes, im going to be talking about Being Single. I know all those empowering quotes you find on pinterest mostly just wanna make you throw up so my first rule is: DONT RELY ON WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY TO CHEER YOURSELF UP! This applys to all aspects of self confidence. The next thing is so, so important. I imagine whilst scrolling through Instagram you've seen the phrase "whats a queen without her king". the thing I

Songs Im Loving #2

"IT'S NATSCHATS TUESDAY AND ITS ACTUALLY A TUESDAY!" Remember that series of blogs I started where I would tell you my favourite songs i'm loving right now, new and old? Yeah me neither. Thats because I published the first post over a year ago!!! Jeez how time flies. Anyway here is your update of my favourite songs i've been listening to a hella lot recently: "Work This Body" WALK THE MOON - this is such a dancy upbeat song that you could do some serious interpretive dancing to. It also love the cheeky french lyrics thrown in there. "Geronimo" SHEPPARD - Catchy af (SAY GERONIMO!) "You Da One" RIHANNA - Aww come on we all need some love in our lives  "Thirsty" Daya - OMG literally the sassiest song ive heard in so, so long. When you wanna fend off a F*ck Boy and embrase the beauty of single life. Sing this on a girls night and it is garunnteed to go down well with all your friends giving you the "OML

Superdrug Face Mask Review

Please ignore the fact I have been A-WALL for nearly a month, I am a very busy person and I will not bother you with the reasons why, just know i am very sorry and embarrassed. But today I though i would do a cheeky review of some products even though it isn't NatsChats Tuesday. Today i will be reviewing some of the Superdrug face masks which are normally £1 each which i will say right now is an absolute bargain. I love Superdrug as i feel like I can always trust their products plus they often have many deals and sales on which means i am always picking up my old favourite and new experimental beauty bits. The three Superdrug Face masks were:  "Superdrug Cooling Cucumber Face Mask" ideal for Sensitive Skin "Superdrug Dead sea purifying Face mask" ideal for Oily and Blemish Prone Skin " Superdrug Tropical Cocktail Peel - Off Mask" ideal for all skin types. Up first is the Cooling Cucumber. It says in the description that it refreshes

My Top Beauty Tips that actually work!

Good Day my lovely ladies, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Also Happy Birthday to me as the world was blessed with my presence all those years ago when I pooped out at 8 pm on the 14th of February...soz mum. Today I wanted to share with you my all time top beauty tips that actually work and I use most of them on the daily! They just make life  a whole lot easier for those make up fanatics among us. And as It's valentines day I know a lot of you will wanna get all glammed up so you can spend time with BAE... be that your "special friend", friends or simply yourself. I will be spending the day with my family as it is my birthday but tbh if it wasn't i would probably be spending valentines day eating chocolates and watching rom-coms whilst trying to get over the horrible cold i have atm. Anyway down to business: TIP NUMBER ONE: (the most well known)  Cutting up your fake eyelashes before applying.  So many of you may have heard this tip before but im here to tell you IT ACTUA

Not So New - One of the first stories I wrote

Good day my little munchkins. I am so sorry this post is a day late but i couldn't upload last night cause my internet is being very slow at the moment. Today I thought I'd do something rather embarrassing and show you one of my first short stories. This is was (and still is) published on an amazing little site called MOVELLAS, which I would highly recommend to anyone (more for the younger people) who love writing stories. This was first "published" on the 10th of February 2014 (nearly 3 years ago today)! It's cringey as anything but is one of my most popular stories so I hope you enjoy it! It's not finsihed because I kinda gave up cause Im a lazy B**** but it's called Not So New if you're really that interested! 1. The morning.  The alarm goes off, shrieking at me to get up. But I know it won’t work, I’m lying in one of those positions that you just don’t want to leave. So I just lay there savoring those last few minutes I have before I really