High School - College (An Update)

I was just reading through my blog and i noticed that just under a year ago i was talking about the move from high school - college and I realized that I forgot to update you. How sweet I was back then, so unsure, so, so foolish. I have now finished high school and received all my results which although I passed all my subjects, I know could have been a lot better if I had actually bothered to do some more revision. In the end I got; 4 C's, 5 B's and 1 A. 2 grades I received I was shocked at them being the C in maths I got, which I was startled by because I had only ever got B's and A's in the subject last year and an A in History because this time last year I was working at an F. If those 2 grades had swapped round I would've been much happier.
I just about got into the college I wanted to go to and in September I will be studying; English Lit, Psychology and Philosophy and Ethics which is great as it is what I wanted to take. The only problem is, is that I am being closely watched for the first 2 months as my grades were only just good enough to get in.
The other bad news is that my friends group is going to be completely torn apart, together we are attending 4 separate schools and I have 2 (maybe 3) close friends going to mine which should be a good thing and it is but that means that I am going to be separated from my chummy. I know that this happened to nearly every friends group and that I am lucky to have a couple of close friends going with me but because of the fact I am used to having a large friends group its going to be difficult cutting down to such a small one. I am aware that I should (and hopefully will) make new friends and find a new group to joining but until then its going to be a long and probably uncomfortable ride.
I will try to keep you updated as I know its been a while but this blog is like a little diary to me which I can look back on in the future.
Feel free to comment all your school problems


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