Pet peeves: talking in the cinema

OML I nearly forgot. I really need to set myself weekly reminders! But anyway happy NatsChats Tiesday, I hope your week is going well so far. Mine isn't if I'm honest, I was having a bit of a happy streak and then it all came crashing doe on Monday. Literally everything that could've gone wrong, did! But anyway today was a little better so you know, always look on the bright side.

Anyway today my little muchkins I would like to share with you one of my all time pet peeves: people talking I. Cinemas. 

So you can imagine what happened, I was in the cinema with the fam about to watch LA LA Land (I was so excited since everyone had said how good it was). But there were 4 girls behind us that were about 12 or 13 and they WOULD NOT. STOP. TALKING! Look honestly I'm fine if you're with your friends and you wanna make the occasional comment or laugh when something's funny or whatever cause it's a film it's made fora response but if you are rude enough to talk out loud and ruin the experience for everyone. The cinema we went to was cheaper than most luckily enough but can you imagine spending a good £12 on a film per person and your money being wasted because you can't even hear the bloody film. If you want to talk through the whole film then feel free to buy the DVD and watch it at home. 
This is also pissed me off even further because I was really excited to watch the film and could hardly concentrate for the first hour thanks to that group of girls. Ughhhhh. It was alright though because (if you've watched La La Land you'll know) it's a long ass film so I had to go to the toilet half way through (which I would never ever do cause I don't want to agitate other people and probably wouldn't notice as I would be so sucked into the film to realise I even, sorr needed the toilet. But so did a lot of others so I didn't feel that bad. But when I was coming back out of the toilet the 4 girls came in (and didn't say anything when I reld the door open for all 4 of them May I add) but they didn't come back to the screening so I got to enjoy the last hour (ish) in piece. 
I know that I am not the nicest person in the world and sometimes I can do or say horrible things but under no circumstances will I ever accept people being rude. There is literally no need for it. I think that you should show respect to all people no matter who they are.

But anyway that's my rant for this week, sorry if you prefer my other more structured blog posts they will be back next week. But while where on the topic of you have any ideas of blog posts you'd like to read from me please do tell me. I think I will pretty much do anything. I was thinking of also doing a "my makeup routine" aswell so let me know by dropping a comment if you'd like that or what not. Also feel free to share your pet peeves with anyone so we can all grumble together haha!

See you next week! Xx


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