Happy New Year My Darlings!



It is 2016 and you know what that means? New Years resolutions! There is one problem...I don't have any really so im about to make some random basic ones up on the spot right now:

1) Get dat summer bod - yes i know its the thing everyone always wants every year and I guess this one's technically a cheat cause i'm lucky enough to have an average body anyway without the need for exercise. Which is why to make this more specific i'm saying that i want to get fit for summer and tone up and whatever else those pins say on your board which you tell everyone you do everyday...mmmhmm

2) Get a job - yeah...i'm unemployed...hush hush

3) Save up - I am very excited to be going to both Tenerife and Thailand this year and as they are both beautiful places I want to save up for a pretty decent camera so I can... capture there beauty?

I think they're some pretty decent resolutions, I mean if they take place or not is a whole other story but, i'm hopeful! Please feel free to comment your own resolutions xx


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