Get Over It: Short Story/Advice article

I know, im updating the old blog AGAIN! What has gotten into me?
Anyway I wrote a short story/advice article thingy which I though you may wish to read, I dedicate it to anyone going through heartbreak. I hope you enjoy it as I certainly do, it apparently should take you 3 WHOLE MINS to read so don't worry about taking up too much time out of your very busy lives. Enjoy and see you soon, Xx

Confusion. That’s the primary source of emotion. Why? Just, why? You thought things were going so well, clearly you were wrong. It doesn’t matter how they did it. It just hurts that they did. No matter what the inspirational quotes and magazines tell you, at this moment, you do need them. Whether it’s been one date or 143, if you’re divorced, newly single or have always technically been single but wishing for more. It hurts.

Of course like any big grievance you go through the famous 5 stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Everyone becomes a love guru telling you this, but they always seem to miss out the most important question that any person who’s in pain wants to know. How long? Obviously you know from any lecture, that nothing lasts forever. But, forever is a very long time and I’d kind of like this torture to end sooner rather than later.

My story is no different. We were on our 14th date, 36th if you count the chilled days at each other’s houses (I did). We were coming to the abrupt end of a coffee break together in our lunch break. The he told me. Another girl was it? Longing to be single? Moving away? Nope. None of those Rom com excuses. Lesson one anyone learns with love is that it isn’t like the movies, obviously, that’s why this is a book. One day or another, they will dump you. Doesn’t matter if it’s a he or a she or just an it, everything ends. No use in dwelling on it though because it won’t happen just once. Even those who marry their first love are lying to themselves. That was not their first love because love comes in all forms and positions. When you’re just a baby you love your parents, for some of you fortunate few, you still do, somewhere under that shield of adulthood and independence.

Since then it’s been the latest boy band member, the one with the cheeky smile was always my fave. Or maybe you were more of a mysterious cast member type, the one in a popular TV show or soap opera where he wasn’t a bad boy, just misunderstood. They both come to an end, either through finding their own love interest or you simply came to your senses and realised their whole life that you saw, was just an act. At least you did grow out of it; some people are forever fantasising about being the one who gets chosen out of a crowd of millions.

And then there’s the school crushes, wow, they never get old do they. If you don’t like anyone, you’re lying to yourself. There’s always that one boy that catches your eye and then makes your mouth drop (and maybe even your pants if you’re lucky enough to have a reciprocated crush – never happens). And that brings the cycle all the way back to the current situation, a break up. Hurts, yeah?

But don’t you see, you’ve loved before, and thus, you will love again. You may even be broken up with again, or maybe this time, you’ll be the one to do the dumping. Either way, everyone goes through it, heartbreak is tough but, it’s the only way to know you’ve truly loved. Knowing that you once have loved is better than never loving, so, in your own time, under your own circumstances, you will...

Get Over It.


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