Top Girl Power Songs

I will literally procrastinate with anything so I don't have to revise however this is a great blog post that i am very passionate about so stay tuned, oh and happy NatsChats Tuesday!
I have done a fir bit of research in this and below are many different sources' view on which is the best girl power song and my own personal rating of it for a little added personal touch just for you, tell me if you agree.

Up first we have KM TV who believe the number one to be Shania Twain's "Man I feel like a woman" which obviously is an amazing song which gets everyone singing young and old and so I whole heartedly support this decision as it also promoted keen girl sassiness, 8.5/10

Up next we have the ever popular Watchmojo which places "Fighter" from Christina Aguilera in their top spot. This is such a powerful song  but I don't think it entirely supports just girl power, more on power in general even though it is sung by the beautiful Miss Aguilera, 6/10

From Spinditty the top spot goes to "Confident" by Demi Lovato and I have to say i agree with Demi what IS wrong with being confident? Society seems to hate women who speak up for them selves or fight back which explains the constant beat downs throughout history, we're still here and we're still fighting, 9/10

Kari Castro's Spotify "Girl Power" playlist places the new "Are you ready for it?" song from Taylor Swift. Any song from Taylor is gonna be a full feminist victory but I feel this particular one is more personal to her and so not one I would consider in the battle for highest girl power song, 5/10

NY Daily news places Aretha Franklin's "Respect" in their number one spot and OML, this song is so, so important for women kind. Released in 1967 it would be quite unlikely for a woman, let alone a black woman to earn respect from the opposite sex but she certainly proves herself with this song, so much respect for her, 9/10

Although Huffington Post says that their song list is on no particular order they are still numbered, and number one is "Let it Go" by, well, Elsa from Frozen. An odd choice I know but they explain how the film is one of the first to show the main role not looking for a man to save her (sorry Mulan but you do kinda end up with a man, even if you did save China, another day perhaps). But this is about letting ago about whatever anyone says about you so for that it gets a respectful 6/10

VH1 puts the worlds most catchy song "Wannabe" from the Spice Girls as their highest and I must say the girls have taken full control in their career's so a 7/10 goes to you

Finally, we come to Babble who dedicates their top spot to the one and only Alicia Kays and her song "Girl on Fire" which was probably the first song I heard and instantly wanted to scream. A very popular one to end on shall recieve 8/10.

So as you can see no one reached the perfect score, the closest was R-E-S-P-E-C-T which shows that you guys are gonna have to share a few more with me.
I have 2 whole Playlists dedicated to this topic which you can see below, they are my favourites so take a look...listen:

We've got some amazing tunes on there, hope you enjoyed and remember to comment your own rates or suggestions for songs, see you soon


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