12 Days of Natsmas: Christmas Day in the life

I mean...it's pretty self explanatory

I know, I missed a day, Im sorry. However, I have realised that this now means we are on track now as I accidently started the "12 days" a day early, so now it means we'll finish on christmas eve as planned. My math skills are clearly lacking.

7:30 - (not so) rudely awoken by my mother after my alarm failed.
7:45 - Actually got out of bed and went down stairs to a breakfast of Pain au Chocolat. Very nice, only ate one of them so hid the other in the bin because I was too full and in a rush.
                       *Cue a day if College "fun" with hardly any christmas events whatsoever.*
2:00 - Driving lesson, I'm pretty sure that my instructor was half an hour early but I may be wrong.
3:30 - Arrived home and had a drink - im not entirely sure why this took so long but...
4:00 - danced around my room whilst deciding what to wear to tonight's christmas party - whoop, whoop.
Finally settled on a basic grey vest top (which was once my brothers) with a burgundy bralette. Plus my glittery skirt which many of you may have seen in my outfits blog post. And some tights and a grey, bobbly cardigan because it's bloomin freezing.
4:30- carried on dancing even though I have to leave in 30 mins and have a naked face.
4:38 - finally started doing my make up (filmed a very quick get ready of me that should go on the YouTube Channel at some point!
5:10 - Left house late to pick up friend and take to other friends house
5:54 - began peeling and cutting veg at friends house ready for Friend xmas dinner, had in depth discussion about which way to slice carrots - settled on coins so there appears more!
6:32 - Veg all prepared and in saucepans on hob, ready to begin boiling. I have begin drinking cider at this point as the stress surrounding our hostess is not as contagious as it should be.
6:50 - My "Christmas Dinner" playlist begins and the three of us decide where we will sit on the table (together).
7:10 - Guests begin arriving, veg begins to boil and Cauli-broc is put in oven.
7:30 - Yorkshires arrive and most of the guests are here, many photos are taken by our hostess' Christmas tree - drinks are in full swing at this point. As some guests are really quite late (and are bringing the pigs in blankets and Potatoes) the veg and oven are turned waaaayyyyy down.
7:55 - food is all dished up and as we begin eating the final guests arrived with the (pre -cooked, thankfully) food.
8:00 - crackers are pulled, jokes are told, life is good.
9:10 - I make a (slightly drunken) speech thanking hostess and cooker and then everyone begins chanting meaning I have to finish off a bottle of lambrini- bad idea. We then open our secret santas - I recieve: Hot Chocolate, Cocktail mixers, another bottle of lambrini and some slipper socks - lovely!
9:50 - after a (not so) quick bathroom and smoke break we begin our quiz after being randomly genorated into teams - that somehow made every couple into the same team accidentally.
10:40 - the quiz is over, my team one - somehow, even though i could see entirely well by this point. We spend the next 20 mins dancing to everyones fave songs (including mans not hot - i mean wow *sarcastic*)
11:10 - we head home and I stumble up to bed, slightly sick and spinning. This is what happens when a party finishes early- you reach your drunk peak when you arrive home - sad really.

Anyway, that was my Christmassy day
I hope you enjoyed that little outlook into my life - this is not a typical day but was very special as I got to celebrate the holidays with my closest friends and eat a hella lot of food
Merry Natsmas!


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